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FAQs on TJO Youth Hockey


Q:  How does my child get started playing hockey?

A:  The Tulsa Ice Centers offer several Learn-to-Skate classes throughout the year.  Also, check out our page on how to start into the Hockey Program

Q:  How do I order jerseys and/or Warm-ups?

A:  We have periodic buying times with Letterman Sports for Jerseys, Warm-Ups, Socks, etc.  If you need more information reach out to  

Q:  How far do the Travel/Competitive teams typically travel?

A:  Typically the competitive/travel teams play in a surrounding six-state area (Arkansas/Texas/Kansas/Missouri/Colorado and, of course, OKC.)

Q:  How do I sign my player up with USA Hockey?

A:  Please follow this link.

Q:  What does the Consent to Treat mean?

A:  If your player needs medical attention during a hockey activity it allows care to be given by medically trained personnel.

Q:  What does the Consent to Screen mean?

A:  This allows USA Hockey to properly screen individuals that will be in the locker and/or transporting player to and from hockey-related activities.

Q:  How often do the teams practice?

A:  Typically two to four times a week depending on age level.

Q:  How long is my USA Hockey registration good for?

A:  The registration is valid from one calendar year beginning in August on the current year.

Q:  What do I need to do if my player wants to tryout for a Travel team?

A:  Please contact our Hockey Operations Manager for more information at

Q:  How do buy gear or get rid of old hockey gear?

A:  We have a Group on Facebook; search for "TJO Hockey Equipment Swap" on Facebook.  Just request permission to join and you can post items there.  Also, Play it Again Sports at 89th & Memorial has quite a bit of hockey selection and may be interested in your gear.  

To purchase new gear or skates, the Oilers Ice Center has a Pro Shop with new merchandise for purchase.  Their hours are mostly in the evenings. 

Q:  What is Tulsa Jr. Oilers mailing address?

A:  Please mail items to the Oilers Ice Center  Attention: Tulsa Jr. Oilers   6413 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK 74133